- They are rivals for the same office. 他们是争夺同一个职位的敌手。
- They are school friends rivaling in performing good deeds. 他们是争着做好事的同学。
- They were rivals for the throne. 他们互争王位。
- They are hoping for a small diminution in taxes. 他们希望税捐略微减少。
- They are also a useful tool for us in studying and analyzing past wars. 这对于我们学习和分析过去的战例同样是个有用的工具。
- They are in the exultation of success. 他们正沉醉于成功的欣喜中。
- They are quarrying in old manuscripts. 他们正在旧手稿中寻找资料。
- They are engaged in interior trade. 他们从事国内贸易。
- They are engaging in a duel of words. 他们双方在斗嘴。
- They are highly successful in business. 他们经商非常成功。
- Fruit juices ferment if they are kept a long time. 果汁若是放置很久,就会发酵。
- They are now living in relative comfort. 他们现在过着比较安逸的生活。
- They are on holiday in the Lake District. 他们在英格兰湖区度假。
- They are planning to visit Palestine in September. 他们正计划九月份访问巴勒斯坦。
- In this respect they are making great strides. 在这方面,他们正大步前进。
- They are completely wrapped up in their children. 他们把全部精力都用在孩子身上了。
- They are still in their adolescence. 他们还处在青少年时期。
- They are psychiatrists in good standing. 他们是合格的精神病医生。
- They are making a study of the causes of a depression. 他们正在研究经济萧条的原因。
- In every game they were bested by their opponents. 每一场比赛他们都被对方击败。